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caspase-4 inhibitor:Cbz-Leu-Glu(OMe)-Val-Asp(OMe)-FMK




  • 编号:450204
    中文名称:caspase-4 inhibitor:Cbz-Leu-Glu(OMe)-Val-Asp(OMe)-FMK







    L-缬氨酸:valine。系统命名为(2S)-氨基-3-甲基丁酸。是编码氨基酸。是哺乳动物的必需氨基酸。符号:V,Val。在某些放线菌素如缬霉素中存在 D-缬氨酸。





    纯度:95% 或98%可选
    标签:抑制剂相关肽(Inhibitor Peptide)    CBZ修饰肽    侧链保护基肽    FMK修饰肽   

  • 定义
    1965年,Umezawa H分析了微生物产生的酶抑制剂,并分离出了抑制亮肽素和抗痛药的胰蛋白酶和木瓜蛋白酶,乳糜蛋白酶抑制的胰凝乳蛋白酶,胃蛋白酶抑制素抑制胃蛋白酶,泛磷酰胺抑制唾液酸酶,乌藤酮抑制酪氨酸羟化酶,多巴汀抑制多巴胺3-羟硫基嘧啶和多巴胺3-羟色胺酶酪氨酸羟化酶和多巴胺J3-羟化酶。最近,一种替代方法已应用于预测新的抑制剂:合理的药物设计使用酶活性位点的三维结构来预测哪些分子可能是抑制剂1。已经开发了用于识别酶抑制剂的基于计算机的方法,例如分子力学和分子对接。
    埃米尔•菲舍尔(Emil Fischer)在1894年提出,酶和底物都具有特定的互补几何形状,彼此恰好契合。这称为“锁和钥匙”模型3。丹尼尔·科什兰(Daniel Koshland)提出了诱导拟合模型,其中底物和酶是相当灵活的结构,当底物与酶4相互作用时,活性位点通过与底物的相互作用不断重塑。
    酶是催化化学反应的蛋白质。酶与底物相互作用并将其转化为产物。抑制剂的结合可以阻止底物进入酶的活性位点和/或阻止酶催化其反应。抑制剂的种类繁多,包括:非特异性,不可逆,可逆-竞争性和非竞争性。可逆抑制剂 以非共价相互作用(例如疏水相互作用,氢键和离子键)与酶结合。非特异性抑制方法包括最终使酶的蛋白质部分变性并因此不可逆的任何物理或化学变化。特定抑制剂 对单一酶发挥作用。大多数毒药通过特异性抑制酶发挥作用。竞争性抑制剂是任何与底物的化学结构和分子几何结构非常相似的化合物。抑制剂可以在活性位点与酶相互作用,但是没有反应发生。非竞争性抑制剂是与酶相互作用但通常不在活性位点相互作用的物质。非竞争性抑制剂的净作用是改变酶的形状,从而改变活性位点,从而使底物不再能与酶相互作用而产生反应。非竞争性抑制剂通常是可逆的。不可逆抑制剂与酶形成牢固的共价键。这些抑制剂可以在活性位点附近或附近起作用。
    工业应用中, 酶在商业上被广泛使用,例如在洗涤剂,食品和酿造工业中。蛋白酶用于“生物”洗衣粉中,以加速蛋白质在诸如血液和鸡蛋等污渍中的分解。商业上使用酶的问题包括:它们是水溶性的,这使得它们难以回收,并且一些产物可以抑制酶的活性(反馈抑制)。
    天然毒物 通常是酶抑制剂,已进化为保护植物或动物免受天敌的侵害。这些天然毒素包括一些已知最剧毒的化合物。
    神经气体( 例如二异丙基氟磷酸酯(DFP))通过与丝氨酸的羟基反应生成酯,从而抑制了乙酰胆碱酯酶的活性位点。
    1、Scapin G (2006). Structural biology and drug discovery. Curr. Pharm. Des.,      12(17):2087–2097.
    2、Krishnan R, Zhang E, Hakansson K, Arni RK, Tulinsky A, Lim-Wilby MS, Levy OE, Semple JE, Brunck TK (1998). Highly selective mechanism-based thrombin inhibitors:  structures of thrombin and trypsin inhibited with rigid peptidyl aldehydes. Biochemistry, 37 (35):12094-12103.
    3、Fischer E (1894). Einfluss der configuration auf die wirkung der enzyme. Ber. Dt. Chem. Ges., 27:2985–2993.
    4、Koshland DE (1958). Application of a theory of enzyme specificity to protein synthesis. PNAS., 44 (2):98–104.
    5、Huang KF, Liu YL, Cheng WJ, Ko TP, Wang AH (2005). Crystal structures of human glutaminyl cyclase, an enzyme responsible for protein N-terminal pyroglutamate formation. PNAS., 102(37):13117-13122.
    6、Holmes CF, Maynes JT, Perreault KR, Dawson JF, James MN (2002). Molecular enzymology underlying regulation of protein phosphatase-1 by natural toxins. Curr Med Chem., 9(22):1981-1989.


    Enzymes are very efficient catalysts for biochemical reactions. They speed up reactions by providing an alternative reaction pathway of lower activation energy. Enzyme acts on substrate and gives rise to a product. Some substances reduce or even stop the catalytic activities of enzymes are called inhibitors.

    In 1965, Umezawa H analysed enzyme inhibitors produced by microorganisms and isolated leupeptin and antipain inhibiting trypsin and papain, chymostatin inhibiting chymotrypsin, pepstatin inhibiting pepsin, panosialin inhibiting sialidases, oudenone inhibiting tyrosine hydroxylase, dopastin inhibiting dopamine 3-hydroxylase, aquayamycin and chrothiomycin inhibiting tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine J3-hydroxylase . Recently, an alternative approach has been applied to predict new inhibitors: rational drug design uses the three-dimensional structure of an enzyme's active site to predict which molecules might be inhibitors 1. Computer-based methods for identifying inhibitor for an enzyme have been developed, such as molecular mechanics and molecular docking.

    Structural Characteristics
    The crystal structures of many inhibitors have been determined. The crystal structures of three highly potent and selective low-molecular weight rigid peptidyl aldehyde inhibitors complexed with thrombin have been determined. All the three inhibitors have a novel lactam moiety at the P3 position, while the two with greatest trypsin selectivity have a guanidinopiperidyl group at the P1 position that binds in the S1 specificity site. The kinetics of inhibition vary from slow to fast with thrombin and are fast in all cases with trypsin. The kinetics are examined in terms of the slow formation of a stable transition-state complex in a two-step mechanism 2.

    Emil Fischer in 1894 suggested that both the enzyme and the substrate possess specific complementary geometric shapes that fit exactly into one another.This is known as "the lock and key" model 3. Daniel Koshland suggested induced fit model where substrate and enzymes are rather flexible structures, the active site is continually reshaped by interactions with the substrate as the substrate interacts with the enzyme 4.

    N-terminal pyroglutamate (pGlu) formation from its glutaminyl (or glutamyl) precursor is required in the maturation of numerous bioactive peptides. The structure of human QC in free form and bound to a substrate and three imidazole-derived inhibitors reveals an alpha/beta scaffold akin to that of two-zinc exopeptidases but with several insertions and deletions, particularly in the active-site region. The structural analyses of several active-site-mutant enzymes provide a structural basis for the rational design of inhibitors against QC-associated disorders 5.

    Mode of Action
    Enzymes are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. Enzymes interact with substrate and convert them into products. Inhibitor binding can stop a substrate from entering the enzyme's active site and/or hinder the enzyme from catalyzing its reaction. There are a variety of types of inhibitors including: nonspecific, irreversible, reversible - competitive and noncompetitive. Reversible inhibitors bind to enzymes with non-covalent interactions like hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonds, and ionic bonds. Non-specific methods of inhibition include any physical or chemical changes which ultimately denature the protein portion of the enzyme and are therefore irreversible. Specific Inhibitors exert their effects upon a single enzyme. Most poisons work by specific inhibition of enzymes. A competitive inhibitor is any compound which closely resembles the chemical structure and molecular geometry of the substrate. The inhibitor may interact with the enzyme at the active site, but no reaction takes place. A noncompetitive inhibitor is a substance that interacts with the enzyme, but usually not at the active site.  The net effect of a non competitive inhibitor is to change the shape of the enzyme and thus the active site, so that the substrate can no longer interact with the enzyme to give a reaction. Non competitive inhibitors are usually reversible. Irreversible Inhibitors form strong covalent bonds with an enzyme.  These inhibitors may act at, near, or remote from the active site .

    Industrial application, enzymes are widely used commercially, for example in the detergent, food and brewing industries. Protease enzymes are used in 'biological' washing powders to speed up the breakdown of proteins in stains like blood and egg. Problems using enzymes commercially include: they are water soluble which makes them hard to recover and some products can inhibit the enzyme activity (feedback inhibition) .

    Drug molecules, many drug molecules are enzyme inhibitors and a medicinal enzyme inhibitor is usually characterized by its specificity and its potency. A high specificity and potency suggests that a drug will have fewer side effects and less toxic. Enzyme inhibitors are found in nature and are also designed and produced as part of pharmacology and biochemistry 6.

    Natural poisons are often enzyme inhibitors that have evolved to defend a plant or animal against predators. These natural toxins include some of the most poisonous compounds known.

    Nerve gases such as diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) inhibit the active site of acetylcholine esterase by reacting with the hydroxyl group of serine to make an ester.


    Scapin G (2006). Structural biology and drug discovery. Curr. Pharm. Des.,      12(17):2087–2097.

    Krishnan R, Zhang E, Hakansson K, Arni RK, Tulinsky A, Lim-Wilby MS, Levy OE, Semple JE, Brunck TK (1998). Highly selective mechanism-based thrombin inhibitors:  structures of thrombin and trypsin inhibited with rigid peptidyl aldehydes. Biochemistry, 37 (35):12094-12103.

    Fischer E (1894). Einfluss der configuration auf die wirkung der enzyme. Ber. Dt. Chem. Ges., 27:2985–2993.

    Koshland DE (1958). Application of a theory of enzyme specificity to protein synthesis. PNAS., 44 (2):98–104.

    Huang KF, Liu YL, Cheng WJ, Ko TP, Wang AH (2005). Crystal structures of human glutaminyl cyclase, an enzyme responsible for protein N-terminal pyroglutamate formation. PNAS., 102(37):13117-13122.

    Holmes CF, Maynes JT, Perreault KR, Dawson JF, James MN (2002). Molecular enzymology underlying regulation of protein phosphatase-1 by natural toxins. Curr Med Chem., 9(22):1981-1989.

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